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Ntlafatso e Tsoelang Pele ea Intelligent Tray tse 'nè tsa Liroboto tsa Koloi le Tharollo ea Botoro e Thehiloe ho AI Software Platform HEGERLS.


Ka litlhoko tse ntseng li eketseha tsa bobolokelo tsa likhoebo tse nyane le tse mahareng tse fapaneng, litsamaiso tsa thepa tse feto-fetohang le tse ikhethang li lula li hlaha. Mefuta e fapaneng ea liroboto tse bohlale tsa mehala le lisebelisoa tse ikemetseng tsa ho boloka thepa li sebelisoa haholo indastering ea thepa. Leha ho le joalo, ho itšetleha feela ka theknoloji ea khale ea thepa le lisebelisoa tse bohlale tsa ntlha e le 'ngoe ha ho sa khona ho sebetsana le mathata ana ka katleho.


E le ho arabela sena, Hebei Woke Metal Products Co., Ltd. (mofuta o ikemetseng: HEGERLS) e tsoetse pele ho kenya ts'ebetsong tharollo ea lisebelisoa tse bohlale tsa 3A (AS/RS+AMR+AI, ho kenyeletsoa litsamaiso tse bohlale tsa polokelo, litsamaiso tsa ho sebetsana le liroboto, le software e bohlale ea lisebelisoa. platforms) e kopanyang software le hardware ho fihlela litlhoko tsa ntlafatso tsa likhoebo tse kholo bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso le thepa ea polokelo. Ka nako e ts'oanang, Hebei Woke haufinyane o phatlalalitse letoto la li-tray tse bohlale tsa HEGERLS bakeng sa maemo a polokelo ea khoebo, ho kenyeletsoa mocheso oa kamore le mefuta ea polokelo e batang.


The HEGERLS tray-way shuttle car e na le lisebelisoa tse bohlale tse tsitsitseng le tse ka tšeptjoang, tse nang le nako ea ho khutlisa e se nang mojaro ea metsotsoana ea 2.5, nako ea ho khutlisa e jereng metsotsoana ea 3.5, nako ea ho phahamisa metsotsoana ea 2.5, le ho potlakisa ho se nang mojaro oa 2m / s2, ho fihlela ntlafatso ea 30% ea katleho e felletseng ea ts'ebetso. Ho phaella moo, lisebelisoa tsa tsamaiso ea tšehetso ea HEGERLS pallet ea likoloi tse 'nè, tse kang li-elevator, li-qubu tsa ho tjhaja, joalo-joalo, kaofela li na le ts'ebetso e ntle. Ka mohlala, ho nepahala ha boemo ba lifti e iketselitseng ea Hebei Woke ke ± 2mm, e nang le lisebelisoa tse thibelang ho oa, tse ka thusang koloi ea litsela tse 'nè ho phethela ts'ebetso ea ho fetola lera, ho ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi le polokeho. Ka thuso ea mochini o phahamisang, projeke ea HEGERLS ea litsela tse 'ne ea koloi e ka fihla bolelele ba limithara tse 20. Ntho e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea HEGERLS intelligent pallet four-way vehicle ke hore e khona ho ikamahanya le matlo a polokelo. Hore na ntlo ea polokelo e khohoe, e kobekone, kapa e sa tsitsa ka mokhoa o sa tloaelehang, e ka sebelisa sebaka se seng le se seng sa sebaka se mathōkong le lihukung.

Ha ho bapisoa le litharollo tsa li-tray tse tloaelehileng, ho feto-fetoha ha sebaka sa ho feto-fetoha ha maemo le litšobotsi tsa ho boloka matla le ho fokotsa mocheso oa Hegerls 4-way shuttle system li thusa haholo ho ntlafatsa polokelo ea polokelo le ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso, e leng se etsang hore e be e loketseng haholo bakeng sa maemo a ts'ebetsong a ts'ebetsong. Tlas'a sebaka se le seng, ha se bapisoa le morero oa "stacker crane scheme", HEGERLS four-way shuttle system scheme e ekelitse tšebeliso ea sebaka ka ho feta 20%, e boloka litšenyehelo tsa tray ka ho feta 40%, e khutsufatsa potoloho ea ts'ebetso ea morero ka ho feta 50%, e bolokiloe. litšenyehelo tsa motlakase ka ho feta 65%, le ho fokotsa matla a kentsoeng ka ho feta 65%.

Ho phaella moo, tsamaiso ea tšehetso ea HEGERLS koloi ea litsela tse 'nè e boetse e na le matla a matla. Ho latela pono ea tlhahiso le phepelo, Woke Xingtai Base Profinseng ea Hebei e boloka tlhahiso ea bokhoni bo felletseng, 'me hajoale e na le setoko se lekaneng se fumanehang bakeng sa phepelo e potlakileng. Mokhoa oa tlhahiso o ama ka ho toba boleng ba sehlahisoa. Hebei Woke e 'nile ea tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa boemo ba tsamaiso le ts'ebetso ea mekhoa ea tlhahiso, taolo ea ts'ebetso, tlhahlobo ea boleng ba sehlahisoa, le likarolo tse ling ho netefatsa boleng ba sehlahisoa ka katleho.


Software e Bohlale bakeng sa Kemiso ea Lihlopha - Hebei Woke HEGERLS Software Platform

Joaloka sehlahisoa sa AI le khoebo ea tharollo ea polokelo e 'nileng ea hatela pele ka hare ho naha le linaheng tse ling, Hebei Woke esale a kena tšimong ea lisebelisoa tse bohlale ho tloha 1996. E itšetlehile ka boqapi bo tebileng ba neural network algorithm ka maru, bohale, le sethaleng sa ho qetela, e theha lisebelisoa tse bohlale. thepa le "smart brain" HEGERLS software platform, e kopanya balekane ba indasteri, 'me e fana ka litharollo tsa indasteri tse bohlale haholo le litšebeletso tse feletseng tsa bophelo ho maemo a thepa ea indasteri le ea khoebo, ho thusa likhoebo ho fokotsa litšenyehelo, ho eketsa katleho, ho nolofatsa tsamaiso, le ho fana ka enjene ea boqapi bakeng sa indasteri. ntlafatso ea dijithale.

Mabapi le software, Hebei Woke o hlahisitse mokhoa oa ho sebetsa oa HEGERLS o thehiloeng mochine oa marang-rang oa batho, o nang le litšobotsi tse tharo tse kholo: khokahanyo ea tikoloho, bohlale bo kopanetsoeng, le mafahla a digital. Sena se nolofalletsa Hebei Woke ho hokahanya software ka bohlale, lisebelisoa tsa IoT, le batho ba libakeng tse fapaneng tsa thepa, ho thusa bareki ho rarolla ts'ebetso eohle ea moralo, ketsiso, ts'ebetsong le ts'ebetso ka mokhoa o le mong. E le tsamaiso ea lefats'e ea tsamaiso ea bohareng e thehiloeng ho theknoloji ea AI, sethaleng sa software sa Hebei Woke HEGERLS se na le lisebelisoa tsa sona le tsa boraro tse ikemetseng le tse bohlale tsa thepa, ho finyella tšebelisano e ntle ea ts'ebetso ea lihlopha.

Mabapi le li-algorithms, Hebei Woke e itšetlehile ka sethaleng sa tlhahiso ea bohlale ba maiketsetso se ikemetseng, se kopantsoeng le litlhoko tsa sebele tsa maemo a tsamaiso, ho etsa li-algorithms tsa tlhahiso bakeng sa maemo a fapaneng a thepa, ho etsa hore tlhahiso ea li-algorithms tse ncha e sebetse hantle le ho boloka chelete e ngata. ho sebeletsa bareki maemong a thepa.

Nako ea poso: Mar-08-2024