Ka nts'etsopele ea li-automation, khoebo ea e-commerce le tlhahiso e bohlale li tsamaisitse nts'etsopele e potlakileng le boqapi ba matlo a polokelo a mahlakore a mararo a ikemetseng, a hlahisang mohopolo oa "ho boloka thepa e matla". Bakeng sa khoebo ea 'mele, phetoho ea eona ea lisebelisoa tsa dijithale e ikemiselitse ho "felisa mashano le ho boloka 'nete". Khoebo e phehella ROI e phahameng le boleng ba 'nete ba moruo, e na le tlhokahalo ea' nete ea khoebo ea ho fokotsa litšenyehelo le ho eketseha ha katleho, 'me e lebeletse ho kenya ts'ebetsong ka potlako le ho fana ka tharollo ea sebele. Koloi e bohlale ea tray ea litsela tse 'nè (e bitsoang "koloi ea litsela tse' nè"), e ka finyellang polokelo e teteaneng le ho tlisa phaello e ntle holima matsete (ROI), e hlahile ka lebaka leo.
Hebei Woke Metal Products Co., Ltd. (e bitsoang "Hebei Woke", brand e ikemetseng Hai: HEGERLS) e na le boemo bo hlakileng ba khoebo ea thepa, e leng ho ba mofani oa lihlahisoa tsa thepa ea moloko o mocha le litharollo tsa polokelo ea thepa. Ho tloha joale, Hebei Woke o na le lisebelisoa tse ncha tse kenyelletsoeng le lihlahisoa tsa hardware: AI e nolofalitse HEGERLS tsamaiso ea lisebelisoa tse bohlale; Liroboto tse ngata tse tsamaisoang ke AI le lisebelisoa tse bohlale tsa thepa, ho kenyeletsoa le sistimi ea likoloi tse bohlale tsa litsela tse 'ne le sistimi e ikemetseng ea liroboto. Ka mor'a lilemo tse fetang 20 tsa tsoelo-pele, thekiso ea likoloi tse bohlale tse nang le litsela tse 'nè tlas'a lebitso le ikemetseng HEGERLS e fihlile makholo, e koahelang likarolo tse sa tšoaneng tse kang matla a macha, lijo, meriana, lieta, likoloi, semiconductor, tlhahiso ea mechine le tlhahiso e bohlale. .
The HEGERLS bohlale pallet four-way shuttle e kopane ebile e matla, e khona ho sebetsana le thepa ho tloha ho lithane tse 1 ho isa ho tse 1.5. E sebetsa ka mokhoa o bonolo haholoanyane 'me e ka boloka ho feta 50% ea motlakase ha e bapisoa le crane ea stacker ea lithane tse 10. Ha ho bapisoa le litharollo tsa li-automation tsa setso, 'mele o tenyetsehang o ka koala lipakeng tsa lishelefo, tse sa eketseng lebelo la ts'ebetso feela, empa hape le ho ntlafatsa sets'oants'o sa polokelo, haholo-holo se loketseng polokelo e batang, matla a macha le maemo a mang a ts'ebetso.
Algorithm e Hlalosa Bothata ba Hardware Ho Rarolla Mmaraka oa AIoT
Leha ho le joalo, ho finyella polokelo e phahameng ea sephethephethe le sephethephethe se phahameng ka hare le ho tsoa ka nako e le 'ngoe ho ke ke ha finyelloa ntle le tšehetso ea theknoloji ea AI. Tsamaiso ea likoloi tse 'nè e itšetlehile haholo ka software,' me bakeng sa likoloi tse tšoanang tsa 50, software e fapaneng e ka fella ka phapang e kholo ea bokhoni ba bona ba tlhahiso. Hebei Woke o ikemiselitse ho kopanya theknoloji ea AI le hardware ho theha liroboto tse bohlale le lisebelisoa tsa software tse kopantsoeng tsa AIoT, le ho sebelisa tharollo ena ho mekhoa ea indasteri ea 'mele e kang indasteri, tlhahiso le thepa, ho thusa liindasteri ho ntlafatsa boleng, ho fokotsa litšenyehelo, ho eketsa katleho, le ho eketsa boleng ba AI.
Sistimi e tloaelehileng ea likoloi tse 'ne e loketse haholo polokelo ea batho ba bangata empa sephethephethe se tlase le ho tsoa. Robot ea HEGERLS e 'nile ea ntlafatsoa ka bohlale boemong ba batho ka bomong le ba lihlopha, e hlalosang maemo a ts'ebeliso ea likoloi tse' nè tse sebelisang theknoloji ea AI, e leng ho nolofalletsang tsamaiso ea likoloi tse 'nè hore e be sebaka se phahameng sa polokelo le tharollo e phahameng ea ROI e nang le sephethephethe se phahameng. le ho tsoa.
Boemong ba mochine o le mong, koloi ea litsela tse 'nè ea HEGERLS e hahiloe sethaleng sa liroboto tse hōlileng tsebong' me e ntlafalitsoe bakeng sa ketso e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea ho phahamisa, ho khutlela morao, ho tsamaea, ho potlakisa, joalo-joalo, ho fella ka ntlafatso e kholo ea lebelo la ho sebetsa. Boemong ba lihlopha, koloi ea litsela tse 'nè tsa HEGERLS le software ea HEGERLS e thehiloeng theknoloji ea AI e sebetsa hammoho ho theha tsamaiso ea likoloi tse' nè, e ka finyellang kemiso e kholo ea lihlopha tse kholo, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e sebetsang hantle, le ho eketsa ho feto-fetoha ha maemo a mane- tsela koloi. Leano le tloaelehileng la ho hlophisa likoloi tsa litsela tse 'nè le bonolo, hangata le arola polokelo e teteaneng ea polokelo libakeng tse' maloa, sebaka ka seng se sebelisa koloi e le 'ngoe bakeng sa lipalangoang. Hang ha phallo ea mosebetsi e le khōlō kapa e sa lekane, katleho e tla fokotseha haholo. Hebei Woke e sebelisa letoto la li-algorithms tse bohlale tsa kemiso le maano a ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso e tebileng, ho kenyeletsoa kabo e nepahetseng ea liroboto, ho fumana litsela tse ngata tsa liroboto, tšebelisano ea mesebetsi ea lefats'e, tlhahlobo e bohlale, le ho folisa ka mokhoa o sa tloaelehang, ho thusa tšebelisano e ntle har'a mekhoa e mene e meholo. lihlopha tsa likoloi.
Qetellong, Hebei Woke o na le bokhoni ba ho rekisa ts'ebetsong ea eona: e saenetse merero e fetang lekholo 'me e sebelisana le bareki ho etsa litekanyetso tse ngata tsa kopo ea indasteri bakeng sa "AI + logistics". 'Me e lema liindasteri tsa bohlokoa tse emeng ka botebo, e shebane le lihlahisoa tse bohlale tsa polokelo le tharollo liindastering tse emeng joalo ka matla a macha, bongaka, lieta, tlhahiso e bohlale le ketane ea lijo tse batang.
Nako ea poso: Mar-27-2024