Lilemong tsa morao tjena, khaello ea basebetsi e fetohile bothata bo boholo indastering ea ho etsa liaparo. Ntlheng ena, tsamaiso eohle ea tlhahiso e lokela ho lula e fetohela lisebelisoa tse bohlale le tse ikemetseng tsa tlhahiso, esita le moralong oa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea tlhahiso ea liaparo tsa moloko o mocha e lokela ho shebana le ho iketsetsa.
E le e 'ngoe ea lik'hamphani tsa pele tsa thepa ho kena indastering ea thepa, Hebei Woke hajoale o hahile letoto la AI le tsamaisoang ke HEGERLS la lisebelisoa tse bohlale tsa thepa. Ho nka tray e bohlale ea litsela tse 'nè (e bitsoang "koloi ea litsela tse' nè") e lokollotsoeng ke Hebei Woke lilemong tsa morao tjena e le mohlala, tharollo ena e na le litšobotsi tsa "lisebelisoa tse fapaneng le taolo e ajoang", e ka lokisoang le ho kopantswe kamoo ho hlokehang kateng joalo ka diboloko tsa moaho. Ka nako e ts'oanang, e kopantsoe le sethala sa software se bohlale sa lisebelisoa tsa HEGERLS, 'me ka "hardware standardization le software modularization", ka kopanelo e theha Hebei Woke HEGERLS tharollo ea lisebelisoa tse bohlale, e leng bonolo ho e sebelisa, ka potlako ho e kenya ts'ebetsong, e tlaase qalong. matsete, a tenyetseha ebile a le bonolo ho atolosoa, sekhahla sa tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa se phahameng, sekhahla se tlase sa liphoso ebile se bonolo ho se felisa, se bolokang khabone e tlase le ho boloka matla, 'me se khuts'oane molemong oa ho khutlisa matsete,' me se thusa likhoebo tsa 'mele ho ntlafatsa ntlafatso ea thepa ea polokelo le thepa. tlhahiso ea thepa ea thepa.
Pallet four-way shuttle ke sesebelisoa se tloaelehileng sa polokelo ea polokelo, e sebelisoang haholo bakeng sa ho kena le ho tsoa ha li-pallets tse boima ba 1KG kapa ho feta. The HEGERLS intelligent tray four-way shuttle system e sebelitse liindasteri tse ngata tse kang bongaka, lik'hemik'hale, tlhahiso, thepa ea lapeng, lijo, matla a macha le likoloi. E ipapisitse le lipatlisiso tse tsoetseng pele tsa theknoloji ea thepa le bokhoni ba ntlafatso ea ntlafatso, le bokhoni ba ho kopanya litharollo tse bonolo le tse thata, e hapile kamohelo le ts'epo ho bareki ba bangata. Ka litsamaiso tsa ts'ebetso tse tšepahalang, kopanyo ea lisebelisoa tsa mahlale, le thekenoloji ea taolo e tsoetseng pele, e ikemiselitse ho fa bareki litharollo tse sebetsang hantle, tse phahameng haholo, tse feto-fetohang haholo, phano e potlakileng, le tharollo e bohlale ea ho boloka thepa.
HEGERLS koloi e bohlale ea pallet ea litsela tse 'ne e thusa indasteri ea liaparo ho hlomella maemo a 7000 a pallet, e eketsa bokhoni ba polokelo ka ho feta 110%.
Indastering ea liaparo ea k'hamphani e itseng Profinseng ea Zhejiang, projeke e bohlale ea literei tse 'ne tsa koloi e nang le likarolo tse tharo tsa polokelo ea thepa.
Ntlha ea bohloko e tobaneng le khoebo e itseng ea Zhejiang: phetoho ea dijithale ea polokelo ea thepa indastering ea tlhahiso ea mochini oa ho roka, ho bolelang hore mechini ea ho roka e hlahisoang ke likhoebo tsa basebelisi e hloka ho romelloa libakeng tse fapaneng tsa lehae le kantle ho naha, ka li-SKU tse fapaneng (bonyane ba thepa. diyuniti) bakeng sa linaha tse fapaneng, lipuo, joalo-joalo. Ka hona, khoebo e hloka sistimi ea tlhaiso-leseling le sistimi e ikemetseng ea ho boloka le ho sebetsana, e le hore basebetsi ba ka fumana kapele le ka nepo mefuta ea lihlahisoa tse arohaneng ka sistimi, mme ba fihlelle ts'ebetso e ikemetseng ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho qoba. phoso ya motho. Ntle le phetoho e bohlale ea dijithale ea mehala ea tlhahiso ea mochini oa ho roka, khoebo e boetse e hlahlobile kaho ea sethala sa marang-rang sa indasteri bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa ts'ebetso lilemong tsa morao tjena, ka tšepo ea ho matlafatsa theknoloji e bohlale ea dijithale ho theosa le likhoebo tsa tlhahiso ea liaparo, e le ho etsa “mokokotlo wa bobedi wa kgolo”. Ho arabela phetohong ea dijithale ea mokhoa oa ho boloka thepa, khoebo e ile ea fumana Hebei Woke Metal Products Co., Ltd.
Hebei Woke HEGERLS Smart Logistics Warehousing Tharollo
Mochini o rokang o hloka ho feta methating e mengata ho tloha tsoalong ho isa ho tloha fekthering, ho kenyeletsoa workshop ea tlhahiso, workshop ea ho paka le ntlo ea polokelo ea lihlahisoa e felileng. Joalo ka mothusi oa theknoloji ea AI oT, Hebei Woke o boetse o tšepa ho sebetsa le basebelisi ba likhoebo ho nts'etsapele litharollo tse ncha le ho li khothaletsa ho bareki ba bangata ba tlase.
Lekhetlong lena, Hebei Woke e tšehetsa kaho ea sebaka sa polokelo ea thepa e phethiloeng e le e 'ngoe ea likhokahano, haholo-holo ka ho kopanya theknoloji ea bohlale ba maiketsetso le thekenoloji ea boiketsetso ho fana ka litharollo tse phahameng tsa ROI (input-output ratio) bakeng sa basebelisi ba malapeng le ba kantle ho naha.
Morero ona ke tokiso ea sebaka sa khale sa polokelo, se ka bang le mefokolo ho latela boholo ba moaho le likarolo tse ling. Ka nako e ts'oanang, morero ona o na le liphephetso tse ikhethang, e leng, o na le lipakane tse peli tse hlahelletseng: ea pele, polokelo e phahameng haholo, 'me ea bobeli, e tsoa ka potlako. Hangata tsena tse peli lia hanyetsana hobane boima bo phahameng bo bolela sebaka se senyenyane sa mosebetsi, se etsang hore ho be thata ho netefatsa hore ho sebetsa hantle haholo. E le ho finyella litlhoko tse khethehileng, Hebei Woke o entse mokhoa o itseng bakeng sa ketsahalo ena: likoloi tse 12 tsa litsela tse 'nè le li-elevator tse 4, tse nang le likou tse 4 tse tsoang le tse 2 tse kenang ka ntle, sebaka sa 1 sa lisebelisoa tsa pono, le libaka tsa polokelo ea pallet ea 7000. Morero oohle oa moralo oa morero ke li-pallets tse 120 ka hora.
Ka nako e ts'oanang, ho ipapisitsoe le algorithm ea pono ea bohlale ba maiketsetso ea HEGERLS, ha shuttle ea litsela tse 'ne e hula terei, e sebelisa laser navigation le axis encoder ho tseba boemo ba thepa le ho thusa ho palletizing, ho fihlela boemo bo nepahetseng le ho tsamaisa tse 'ne. - tsela ea shuttle. Ha thepa e hloka ho romelloa ho tloha ntlong ena ea polokelo, ka ho hokahanya tsamaiso ea software ea HEGERLS le tsamaiso ea ERP ea fektheri, boemo ba thepa bo ka amahanngoa ka ho toba le basebetsi ba tsamaiso ea mosebetsi.
Morero o nkile likhoeli tse tharo feela ho tloha inthaneteng ho fihlela ts'ebetsong. Ho latela lintlha tsa semmuso, liphetho tsa liteko tsa sebaka sena sa polokelo ea likoloi tse 'ne li fihletse litekanyetso, ka keketseho ea 110% ea polokelo ea polokelo ha e bapisoa le pele ho nchafatso le ntlafatso ea ts'ebetso e fetang 50% ha e bapisoa le mokhoa oa setso. E hokahana le workshop ea ho paka ka theknoloji ea tlhahisoleseling le khokahano e ikemetseng, e fokotsa haholo sekhahla sa liphoso tsa ts'ebetso ea basebetsi ha e bapisoa le pele le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso.
Hajoale, ho ntlafatsa li-automation le digitization tsa polokelo ea lifeme le litsi tsa thepa ke khetho e ke keng ea qojoa. Hore na ke sebaka sa polokelo ea thepa se iketselitseng kapa ke polokelo e bohlale, litharollo li tlameha ho ba theko e tlase le ho kenyelletsa likhoebo tse ngata. Ka mor'a moo, Hebei Woke o tla tsoelapele ho sebetsa 'moho le balekane ho matlafatsa pina ea lisebelisoa tse bohlale ka lihlahisoa tsa robot ea AI +, ho sebeletsa basebelisi ba malapeng le ba tsoang linaheng tse ling, le ho tlisa boleng ba sebele ho bareki.
Nako ea poso: Mar-07-2024